Things You Need To Drop From Your Life Now

Things You Need To Drop From Your Life Now

Everyone wants to make their lives better, and rightfully so. We only have one life so why not do everything possible to make it the best it can be? Evaluating our lives and eliminating the things that drag us down is something we should all be doing on a regular basis.

To remove stress and negativity while creating a more fulfilling life, consider dropping these 9 things.

1. Emotional Vampires

The traditional Gothic vampire sucks the blood of its victims. They drain away a person's life force. Emotional vampires do the same. They have a powerful way of bringing you down, leaving you feeling depressed and exhausted, whenever you are around them. Remove negative people from your life. Spend time with positive thinkers that make you feel great.

2. The Past

The past is behind you. No matter how much you obsess, it cannot be changed. Replaying the ‘should have’, ‘could have’ thoughts in your mind keeps you from enjoying life to the fullest. Find the lessons in your past mistakes and learn from them. Once you’ve done that, let them go.

3. Worrying about Your Future

Do your best today, and your future will take care of itself. Planning is wise, but obsessing over something yet to happen is pointless. It leads to stress and frustration, negative "what if" thinking, and can even cause physical and mental health problems. You only have control over this very moment. Stop obsessing over the future and start living today.

4. Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs begin with thoughts of "I can't," "I never," and "I won't." Positive results never come from negative thinking. You are capable of anything that you decide you can accomplish. The next time you start thinking in a limiting way, remind yourself that if you believe it, you can achieve it because that's the absolute truth.

5. Concern Over What Others Think, Say or Do

External validation is unnecessary. You don’t need the approval of others to know you are worthy. You only need to believe in yourself. You may be your biggest critic, but you can also be your biggest cheerleader. When you stop allowing the thoughts and actions of others to affect you, you open up a wealth of opportunities for a better life.

6. Feeling Sorry for Yourself

Oh, woe is me!
Life is so difficult.
Why doesn't anything go right for me?
I am so unlucky.
I never had the opportunities other people had!
I am just meant to be poor/fat/alone/_____.
___ is holding me back!

Those are the thoughts of someone throwing a self-pity party. Stop it. You see how limiting and negative these thoughts are when you hear others talk like this. Remember that when you catch yourself thinking thoughts like these. Turn each negative thought into a positive one.

7. Always Saying Yes

Sometimes, "no" is the correct answer. Stop saying yes to the desires and needs of other people. How can you prioritize what you need to live a great life if you always putting the needs of others before you? People pleasing should begin with yourself.

8. Highly Processed Foods

Drop highly processed foods from your diet. This means limiting your salt, white flour, high fat, and refined sugar intake. Ditch the drive-through. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Drop energy drinks and processed beverages from your diet. You will become healthier in mind and body, improving your quality of life.

9. Jealousy

Jealousy is all about comparisons. You are jealous because someone else has something you don't. It’s a pointless feeling. If you want something, get it, create it, or experience it. There is always a way if you put your mind to it. Jealousy is a dark emotion that does no good.


✅ Before you say “Yes”, take time to consider your needs and priorities. Doing things for others is fine if you allow plenty of time to care for yourself.

✅ Carefully evaluate your relationships. Start distancing yourself from people who bring you down or create negative emotions and experiences.

✅ Make a list of past regrets, failures, and mistakes. Next to each one, write down the lessons you can learn from them. Once you’ve completed your list, let those thoughts go and start living for today.




“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” - Angela Davis


Next Issue: Handling The Sting of Rejection

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