Things to Tell Yourself on Hard Days

Things to Tell Yourself on Hard Days

We all face tough days.

Your fiancé breaks up with you. Your boss yells at you for missing a deadline. The kid's stuffed toy is in the toilet.

Our tough days can take many forms, but there is one universal truth: How you respond to these tough days directly impacts your overall happiness and success.

If you are having a particularly hard day, remember...

1. “This Will Not Last Forever”

Your brain may tell you otherwise, but the reality is that hard days happen, and they pass. You may wonder why it is happening. It may be challenging. But in the end, try and remember, "this too shall pass."

2. “I’ve Overcome Challenges Before.”

When you are amidst a challenge, you may think it is the worst you have ever faced. That might be true, and it might not. The point is that you have faced and overcome challenges before now. You can do it again.

3. “I Am a Strong Person”

It's easy to get weighed down in the muck and mire of a hard day, but remember you have strengths. Remind yourself of what makes you strong and capable of overcoming anything.

4. “I Will Become Stronger on the Other Side”

You can look at this hard day as an opportunity to grow as a person. When the current situation wears you down, it helps reframe your thought pattern. Consider how other tough times gave you a new perspective.

5. “Take It One Step at a Time”

Challenging days may paralyze you, leaving you stuck with no clear-cut answer as to what to do next. It can help if you think about one step you can take now. This helps build momentum to get through the difficulty.

6. “I Can Ask for Help”

You have others in your life. Now may be a good time to reach out to them for help. Look to your social support system and contact someone. You may only need a sympathetic ear, or you may need more. For some, just knowing others are willing to help is enough to make a hard day better.

7. “I Have Many Things to be Thankful For”

If you are having a tough day, think about the blessings you have as well. You can be grateful for many things, even if they seem small and insignificant, for example, the sound of a songbird in your backyard. Making a list of those things you're grateful for will help put things into perspective.

8. “Just Breathe”

Is your day so bad that you feel like you are just about to snap? Slow down and take some deep breaths. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts and breathe out for four counts. Feel a little better? Good. Repeat the process as many times as you need.

9. “Others Have Faced Similar Challenges”

You can feel very alone on a hard day. It can feel isolating. Remember, you are not the only one to have a day like this. People have gotten through this before, and you will too.  



✅ Prepare for a tough day now. You probably know about some upcoming obstacles or challenges. Create a plan to address these.

✅ List out some of your toughest challenges and how you overcame them. Read this list on hard days to boost your confidence.

✅ Practice breathing exercises. It is easier to fend off stress when you know exactly how to do it and what works best for you.



"If you can't go straight ahead, you go around the corner." - Cher



Next Issue: Finding Community In A Lonely World

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