Rediscover Play in Your Adult Years

Rediscover Play in Your Adult Years

Kids have it made. They innately understand the importance of playing. They engage in activities that are enjoyable and stretch their imaginations. They aren't concerned about boring adult issues like jobs and mortgages. You may not be able to go back in time, but it's possible to keep up with your tedious adulting responsibilities while tapping into your inner child. Here's how:

1. Don’t be Afraid to Act Silly

Children aren't concerned about what others think of them. They will make up rhymes about cracks in a sidewalk while they skip over them. They find joy in the ordinary things of life, no matter if others think they look silly.

2. Have a Talk with Your Inner Critic

When you feel your serious side kick in with reasons not to do something, it is helpful to stop and consider if you should listen or have fun. Sometimes, it is okay to tell your inner critic to be quiet.

3. Turn Chores (and Other Responsibilities) into a Game

Athletes often compete against themselves. A runner will want to shave time off their last run. You can do the same by turning some boring chores into a game. Make it a competition to fold the laundry fastest. Time yourself sweeping and see if you can decrease your time. You can even give yourself points throughout the week and enjoy a prize on the weekend. This works well for the whole family too!

4. Recreate Adult Versions of Activities from Your Childhood

We may not want to play with Play-Doh now, but why not take a pottery class? Like climbing trees? It may be time to try out indoor rock climbing. These grown-up versions of childhood memories offer new ways to bring some fun and play back into your life.

5. Do an Activity for the Fun of It

We share a lot on social media. It stops spontaneity and creates unnecessary tension to perform. The next time you feel like taking a joy ride on your bike, do it for fun, not to post it on social media. Soak in the smell of the fresh air and sunshine, then keep these moments of play as your special secret.

6. Figure Out Your Type of Play

Children do not all play alike. Some like to sit quietly and read or play with toys. Others love to run around. As an adult, you will have certain methods for your play preference. You may like to engage with others in karaoke or prefer an intense chess game. Knowing what you like will help direct your fun activities.

7. Allow for Spontaneity in Your Calendar

Adults have jam-packed calendars. There's work, commuting, clean and maintaining your home, running errands and kids to wrangle. Look for a few blocks of time in your schedule to book for some random fun. You could sing off-key while dancing in your kitchen or read a funny book.

8. Watch Children for Tips

Kids are the experts, and we adults should listen. Watch your kids or neighbor kids as they play. What games do they come up with? How do they manage the ordinary world around them with their imaginations? Next, see if you can replicate that in your life.

9. Never Stop Being Curious

One of the hallmarks of childhood is insatiable curiosity. We lose that going into adulthood. You can regain your curiosity by being open to new discoveries and always asking why. Soon, you will be engaging your playful side once again.


✅ Write down all the hobbies and games you loved playing as a child. Next, try to find an adult version, put it on your calendar, and have some fun!

✅ Play a game with your children after dinner tonight. Forget the dishes and the stresses of the day. Engage fully into their world and enjoy a laugh.

✅ Reassess your calendar and look for blocks of time where you can step away from adulting. Instead, block time for fun with your family or friends or for a new adventure.


“I’ll probably never fully become what I wanted to be when I grew up, but that’s probably because I wanted to be a ninja princess.” - Cassandra Duffy


Coming Up in Next Week's Issue: Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do

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