Make The Most of Every Day

Make The Most of Every Day

The day-to-day struggle of getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed to get up and do it all over again leaves many of us feeling depleted. Without making a conscious decision to make each day count, you could wake up in the same rut a year from now, wondering where the time went. It's time to make the most of each day, so you don't have to feel like life is passing you by.


1. Wake Up 10 Minutes Earlier

One way to start the day off wrong is to wake up late and have to rush through your morning routine. Setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier gives you more time to prepare and eat a healthy breakfast or enjoy a leisurely sip on your morning beverage.


2. Keep the Same Sleep Routine Every Day

You may find your Monday morning sluggish because of oversleeping on the weekend. Give your body its best chance at a better day by going to bed and waking up at the same time, even on weekends.


3. Eat a Healthy Diet

Feed your body what it needs, and it will give you the energy and clarity to accomplish much during your day. Remember that food is fuel. The better the fuel, the better you will feel, and the better the day.


4. Exercise Daily

Regular exercise provides your body with stress relief, clarity of mind, and energy. You can face almost anything that comes your way when you include 20 minutes a day of moderate exercise.


5. Accomplish One Task Toward a Larger Goal

Experts encourage us to establish a goal and break it down into smaller steps. The problem is that we often stop there. Reach your goals quicker by tackling one step each day. Before you know it, you will have attained that goal.


6. Make a Daily Big 3 List

If you could only complete three things today to feel accomplished, what would they be? Write them down. Next, set out to check them off your list. You can sit back at the end of the day and feel good.


7. Take Regular Breaks

Breaks offer your body and mind a chance to rejuvenate and rest. You can jump back in with a clearer mind and more energy if you give your brain and body the breaks they need.


8. Be Present with Those You Love

Spend time each day with those you love. Use this moment to focus on them entirely. Look them in the eye, ask questions, hold hands, or whatever else you need to be present with your loved ones.


9. Prep Your Day the Night Before

Clear a little clutter. Set out your clothes. Prep the coffee pot. Use 10-15 minutes of an evening to reset your home. You can also use this time to write down 3-5 things you accomplished or are grateful for from the day.


✅ Sit down and review your goals. What steps can you take in your daily schedule to progress towards accomplishing your goals?

✅ Take 15 minutes this evening to tidy your living room and kitchen. Take a moment to pick an outfit for tomorrow, even if you are staying home.

✅ Set your morning alarm for 10 minutes earlier than usual. Enjoy an unrushed morning as you get ready for the day.




“The formula of happiness and success is just being actually yourself, in the most vivid possible way you can.” - Meryl Streep 

Next Issue: Habits That Propel You Towards Success

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