How To Handle Embarrassment

How To Handle Embarrassment

Embarrassing situations happen to us all. The moment often fades quickly, but how you deal with it is a different issue. Some people struggle to overcome embarrassing moments, but you don't have to let these little slip-ups control your life.

1. Laugh at Yourself

Stop taking yourself so seriously. Try being the first person to laugh at your embarrassing moment. Sharing the moment with a trusted friend can make it easier to laugh.

2. Give Yourself Some Grace

Don't treat yourself so harshly. Give yourself some grace and compassion. Acknowledge what happened and remind yourself that you are more than any single moment.

3. Remember That Was the Past

You can't change what happened, so why are you thinking about it so much? Focus on what is happening now and stop dwelling on the past.


4. Let Go of the Perfectionism

Sometimes you may experience embarrassment because you failed to live up to a standard you set for yourself. While failure can be embarrassing, it is also an opportunity to learn and grow. Drop the perfectionism and embrace awkward moments.

5. Stop Apologizing, Unless It Is Necessary

If you did something wrong, then, by all means, apologize for your mistake, and let it lie. Continually apologizing only reminds you of the embarrassing moment. It can also stop you from moving forward.


6. Embarrassment Is a Normal Feeling

Just because you had an embarrassing moment doesn't mean something is wrong with you. You are human, and being embarrassed is one of many emotions you will have.

7. You Aren't Who Others Think You Are

Many of us base our identity on what we believe others think about us. The reality is that much of the time, other people are not thinking about us at all. Why not put that into perspective the next time you get embarrassed?

8. Try Again

You didn’t learn to walk by staying on the floor after falling. Neither will you learn quality lessons if you let embarrassment stop you from moving forward. Even if something goes wrong, learn from it, and keep your head up as you continue to give it your all.

9. Seek Therapy

Some people struggle to get past embarrassing moments. If you fall into this category, look for help from a professional. They can aid you in getting past these emotions and help you process your feelings in healthier ways.  




✅ Take a moment to think about your most embarrassing moment. What happened? Let yourself feel the feelings again for a moment, and then see the funny parts and laugh about it.

✅ Look at the expectations you put upon yourself. Now answer this question, are you a perfectionist? It may be time to learn how to let go of that. Nothing is embarrassing about imperfection.

✅ Spend some time with a close friend and laugh about your embarrassments together.



 “Growth and comfort do not coexist.” - Ginni Rometty


Next Issue: What To Do When You Feel Like You Aren’t Doing Enough

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