Finding Community in a Lonely World

Finding Community in a Lonely World

Today's world is a paradox. We are constantly connected via smartphones, social media, and the Internet. Yet, we are often lonely, yearning to feel a true sense of community. If this sounds familiar, you might want to heed this advice:

1. What Are Your Interests and Hobbies?

Finding like-minded people begins by knowing who you are. What are your interests? What hobbies do you enjoy? Figuring this out is the perfect first step toward reigniting your sense of community.

2. Make Specific Plans with Friends

We all say, "We need to get together soon!" but that isn't the same as making concrete plans. Reach out to a friend or two and figure out a specific time and place to meet.

3. Rediscover Your Spirituality

Many different religious and non-religious belief systems naturally encourage a sense of community. Seek out people with similar beliefs and spend time fostering your spirituality amongst like-minded friends.

4. Join a Support Group

Often, loneliness is more apparent when you are struggling with something serious. Consider finding a local support group you can lean on. Spending time with people who understand what you are dealing with is comforting.

5. Volunteer

Volunteering is a win-win solution. You get to meet new people with similar values and help your community. Participating in these opportunities can also bolster your confidence and help your mental health.


6. Say Yes to Invitations

It's easy to say "no" to invites that push us out of our comfort zone. Maybe it is time to say yes? The next time a friend asks you to hang out, don't make excuses—say 'yes!'.

7. Your Friends Enjoy Hearing from You

Many of us hold back from reaching out because we don't want to annoy our friends. The truth is, most of the time, they eagerly want to hear from us. Reach out to a loved one the next time you have the urge.

8. Get Out There

Don't let loneliness keep you inside. You don't need someone else to go out and experience the world. Going out (especially in populated areas) can help remind you that you aren't alone in this world.

9. Embrace Technology ...Somewhat

Yes, technology can contribute to our feelings of loneliness, but it also grants us many ways to stay connected. Keep connected to your loved ones, no matter where they are, with messaging and chat apps.  



✅ List your current hobbies, past ones, and those you'd like to learn. This list can help you figure out new ways to spend your social time.

✅ Call or text a friend and ask them to dinner or some other activity next weekend. Mark it down in your calendar and keep the date.

✅ Make a list of local places you could volunteer. Figure out where you are most needed and reach out to the organization to learn more.



“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.” - Maya Angelou



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